
Our foundation is built around serving and solving abandoned infant problems, we are keen to operate where the heart and mind meet.

We define Transparency as complying with the law and being transparent and honest in all communications, transactions and operations, to publish and ensure easy access and availability of data about the foundation. It’s very important to us to earn and keep the trust.

Beside complying with the law and serving the public good, our purposes are for the benefit of our stakeholders, hence, we define accountability as the willingness to explain our actions to them and how its embedded in everything we do.  

We believe stakeholder trustworthy achievement for us is very important and we strive to succeed in that through acting with integrity and learning from our mistakes, being responsible, able to explain, clarify and justify actions and decisions.

Our board commitment to governance in steering the foundation is centered around Accountability, Transparency, Inclusivity, consensus, Efficiency, and responsivity.